
EPAL demands international legal protection for journalists in the Gaza Strip

Press Release

10-23-2023 | Brussels – Rotterdam |

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli occupation has launched a brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of civilians, mainly children and women, and bombing hospitals, schools, shelters, mosques, and churches in total disregard for the international laws that strictly condemn these crimes, which amount to war crimes, and for human rights appeals to protect civilians, hospitals, and medical facilities.

Media teams and activists operating out of Gaza exposed the scenes of bombing, the killing of children, and the devastation of hospitals and buildings to the rest of the world. They played an important role in revealing the truth about the crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli occupation started targeting media professionals and journalists in the Strip in a failed attempt to silence them.

Consequently, the European Palestinian Media Center (EPAL) vehemently denounces the Israeli atrocities committed in the Gaza Strip, where 18 journalists were killed while carrying out their legally protected journalistic duties.

It also demands international action to hold the occupation accountable for its crimes against Palestinian journalists and serious action by international media institutions to protect the rights of Palestinian journalists.

It urges the media outlets to show more support for the journalists working in the Gaza Strip and to cover the ongoing Israeli aggression there more extensively.

EPAL is also grateful for the work of the media teams that cover the injustice and crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

EPAL emphasises that it will keep up its media efforts to expose the truth about Israel’s crimes against the Gaza Strip’s people and that it will represent them in Europe.

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