
Statement by Palestinian activist Majed Al-Zeer in response to the irrational decision by the U.S. Treasury Department to include him on its sanctions list

Press release:
Statement by Palestinian activist Majed Al-Zeer in response to the irrational decision by the U.S. Treasury Department to include him on its sanctions list
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Amid the extremely difficult circumstances our Palestinian people are enduring in Gaza and across all of Palestine, and as we are fully engaged in supporting them while they are subjected to one of the most brutal genocides recorded in modern history, targeting — and continuing to target — all aspects of humanity and their basic rights, I was shocked and deeply astonished to learn from media outlets of a decision that can only be described as unjust and devoid of even the most basic legal standards. This decision, issued by the U.S. Treasury Department on Monday, October 7, 2024, places me on its sanctions list. While I categorically reject this decision and express my strong condemnation, I would like to emphasize the following points:
•The U.S. Treasury Department’s decision is completely irrational, lacking professionalism and legality. Moreover, the information contained within it is wholly inaccurate and lacks credibility. I unequivocally reject all the details and accusations put forth in this decision.
•I am deeply perplexed by the approach taken to reach and announce this decision by a country that supposedly prides itself on legal integrity. Yet, in an illegal and unmethodical manner, it bypassed the appropriate course of action, which would have been direct communication with me to inform me of the accusations (which, as is often the case, originate from the Israeli occupation, seeking to falsely tarnish the reputation of anyone working for the Palestinian cause). This would have allowed me to provide an accurate and transparent response to refute these allegations. However, none of this was done.
•The false accusations made by the U.S. Treasury Department are part of a broader alignment with the Israeli occupation’s agenda to criminalize anyone who works for the Palestinian cause, advocates for it, and operates within legal frameworks. Whether in political, legal, media, or public engagement fields, those who, like myself, adhere to the law and achieve successes in international forums, such as the role I played as the president of the Palestinian Return Centre — which earned the center United Nations membership — are not immune from such attacks.
•Over my many years of Palestinian activism in Europe, I have worked in various fields, but I have never engaged in relief work or any financial activities. Thus, the foundation upon which the Israeli occupation — followed by the U.S. Treasury Department — built its claims and issued this decision is entirely baseless and has no connection to reality.
•It is almost laughable that the U.S. Treasury Department would use a photo as evidence, which was taken during my participation in a delegation from London that visited Gaza during the siege. The delegation, led by the late Sir Gerald Kaufman, included dozens of European parliamentarians and visited Gaza in January 2010. During the visit, the delegation met with the late, democratically elected Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh (the mentioned photo is attached, showing me with the late Prime Minister Haniyeh and the late Sir Kaufman).
•In light of the actions taken by the U.S. Treasury Department against me and the consequences this will have on my personal and professional life, I have already begun, with the support of a legal team, the necessary legal procedures to challenge these baseless allegations and defend my rights, which have been blatantly violated by this unjust decision.
•I fully understand that these false accusations are aimed directly at discouraging me from continuing my work for Palestine and advocating for my people’s rights. This is a typical tactic of the Israeli occupation against all activists. However, I want to reaffirm that none of the occupation’s efforts will succeed in deterring me. I will continue, as I always have, working for Palestine, adhering to both international and local laws in my pursuit of freedom for my people.
In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has reached out to express their solidarity and support, whether individuals or institutions. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the cause.
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