The Danish University of Copenhagen responds to one of the demands of protesting students and stops some of its investments in settlements
The Danish University of Copenhagen responds to one of the demands of protesting students and stops some of its investments in settlements
Twenty-three days after the sit-in by students at the University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen responded in part by divestment from the UN blacklist and halting its investments with three companies, Booking. Airbnb. E Dream. And, they responded to the demand for complete transparency regarding their investments. Likewise, they responded to the demand to recognize the difficult situation of Palestinian students.
This comes after their insistence on the six conditions they set at the beginning of the sit-in, which are:
1. Recognize and condemn the ongoing genocide, and call for an immediate ceasefire and the lifting of the blockade of Gaza.
2. Withdraw its investments from companies that benefit from or participate in the occupation of Palestine.
3. Provide complete financial transparency regarding its investments.
4. Terminating purchase contracts with companies that benefit from or participate in the occupation of Palestine.
5. Commitment to an academic boycott by ending institutional cooperation with Israeli academic institutions.
6. Acknowledging the difficult situation of Palestinian students.
The students expressed their happiness with this simple progress, as they believe, but they have hope that they will achieve all their demands soon.
Video by : Maher Hachache